BA (avec distinction) en gestion d'entreprise et allemand
Online United Kingdom
3 up to 6 Years
À plein temps, À temps partiel
09 Jan 2025
Feb 2025
GBP 21 816 *
Apprentissage à distance
* coût par an à temps plein; 3 168 £ - coût par an à temps partiel
Ce diplôme vous permet de combiner la gestion d'entreprise avec l'allemand. Vous diviserez votre étude à parts égales entre les deux sujets. Vous découvrirez comment les entreprises élaborent des stratégies, gèrent les risques et prennent des décisions. Vous verrez ce qu'impliquent des fonctions telles que le marketing, la comptabilité et la finance. La combinaison de cela avec l'étude de l'allemand ouvre des portes sur les cultures et les communautés germanophones et peut fournir une clé pour le lieu de travail mondial.
Principales caractéristiques du cours
- Développe votre compréhension des organisations commerciales et de leurs éléments clés.
- Explore des considérations plus larges telles que les environnements, les marchés et les processus, et comment ceux-ci fonctionnent ensemble.
- Vous développe en un utilisateur compétent de l'allemand, atteignant le niveau C1 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues.
- Développe une connaissance avancée des cultures qui utilisent l'allemand et des compétences de communication interculturelle.
- Offre l'option d'une semaine en Allemagne (ou alternative en ligne).
Nous rendons toutes nos qualifications aussi accessibles que possible et proposons une gamme complète de services pour accompagner tous nos étudiants. Le BA (Honours) Business Management and Languages utilise une variété de supports d'étude et peut comporter les éléments suivants :
- Étudier un mélange de matériel imprimé et en ligne - les ressources d'apprentissage en ligne peuvent inclure des sites Web, des clips multimédias audio/vidéo et des activités interactives telles que des quiz en ligne.
- Utilisation d'expressions mathématiques et scientifiques, de notation et de techniques variées.
- Travail en groupe avec d'autres étudiants.
- Utiliser et produire des diagrammes ou des captures d'écran.
- Entreprendre des travaux pratiques.
- Recherche de matériel externe/tiers en ligne.
- Utilisation d'un logiciel spécialisé, par exemple Adobe Connect.
- évaluation continue et de fin de module sous forme de quiz en ligne, de présentations enregistrées, de dissertations, de questions à réponse courte et, dans certains cas, d'un examen.
- Utiliser le feedback : l'évaluation continue consiste à recevoir un feedback détaillé sur votre travail de la part de votre tuteur et à utiliser ce feedback pour améliorer vos performances.
- Certains modules peuvent exiger que vous fréquentiez un pensionnat ou une alternative en ligne.
Résultat du programme
Knowledge and understanding
You’ll be able to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of:
- The main concepts, theories and principles associated with business management.
- The ability to communicate fluently and appropriately with competent speakers of at least one language, in addition to English, in a broad variety of oral and written contexts, including academic ones, maintaining a high degree of grammatical accuracy and appropriate style.
- Aspects of the societies of the countries where your chosen language is spoken (including literature, cultures, linguistic contexts, politics, geography, and social and economic structures).
- Intercultural communicative competence, including a reasoned awareness and critical understanding of the cultures and societies associated with your chosen language and the ability to describe, analyse and evaluate the similarities and dissimilarities between cultures and societies and your own.
Cognitive skills
You’ll be able to demonstrate your ability to:
- Synthesise, critically evaluate and challenge information, arguments and assumptions from different sources, including current research and scholarship, by the theories, concepts and principles of business management.
- Select and apply your knowledge and understanding to a wide range of the principal professional skills, techniques, practices and/or materials associated with business management, including in contexts with a degree of unpredictability and/or specialism.
- Appreciate the potential uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge in business management.
- Make use of a wide variety of written, spoken and multimodal texts for different audiences in your chosen modern language and/or English, employing appropriate reading and listening strategies.
- Write texts of different types in your chosen language, following appropriate structures and conventions, including academic language, selecting and making critical use of written and spoken sources.
- Make spoken presentations on particular topics, using appropriate styles and techniques, and take part in a wide variety of spoken interactions in your chosen language, using appropriate discourse strategies.
- Interpret and critically evaluate evidence in the light of alternative explanations, arguments and theories.
Practical and/or professional skills
You’ll be able to demonstrate your ability to:
- Critically engage, as appropriate, with practical and professional skills and demonstrate an awareness of relevant responsible and ethical issues in business management.
- Gather and process information from a variety of paper, audio-visual and electronic sources, in English and your chosen modern language.
- Make independent judgements and construct coherent arguments, supported by evidence, and appropriately referenced.
Key skills
You’ll be able to:
- Identify, interpret and solve complex problems appropriate to business management.
- Use a combination of formal, logical planning processes and an understanding of context to identify relevant information and risks and be able to identify alternative strategies and resources.
- Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in facilitating effective group interaction, influencing and/or leading as appropriate.
- Demonstrate the ability to independently find, critically evaluate and use a wide range of information, data or tools accurately in complex contexts.
- Adopt a wide range of numerical skills and digital practices (including the use of tools/resources), as appropriate to business management and language learning.
- Recognise and use effective learning strategies.
This degree has three stages, each comprising 120 credits:
- In Stage 1, you’ll study a 60-credit introductory business management module and two 30-credit language modules.
- Ensuite, à l'étape 2 , vous étudierez votre deuxième module de gestion d'entreprise de 60 crédits et un module d'allemand de 60 crédits.
- Enfin, à l'étape 3 , vous étudierez votre dernier module de gestion d'entreprise de 60 crédits et un autre module d'allemand de 60 crédits.
Stage 1 (120 credits)
You'll choose one from:
- Exploring languages and cultures (L161)
- Introduction to German studies (beginners) (L103)
You'll study both of the following:
- An introduction to business and management (B100)
- German Studies 1 (intermediate) (L113)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following:
- Shaping business opportunities (B207)
- German studies 2: language and culture of the German-speaking world (L223)
Stage 3 (120 credits)
You'll study both of the following:
- Strategic management (B302)
- German studies 3: language and culture of the German-speaking world (L333)
Our assessments are all designed to reinforce your learning and help you show your understanding of the topics. The mix of assessment methods will vary between modules.
Computer-Marked Assignments
- Usually, a series of online, multiple-choice questions.
Tutor-Marked Assignments
- You’ll have a number of these throughout each module, each with a submission deadline.
- They can be made up of essays, questions, experiments or something else to test your understanding of what you have learned.
- Your tutor will mark and return them to you with detailed feedback.
End-of-Module Assessments
- The final, marked piece of work on most modules.
- Modules with an end-of-module assessment won’t usually have an exam.
- Some modules end with an exam. You’ll be given time to revise and prepare.
- You’ll be given your exam date at least 5 months in advance.
- Most exams take place remotely, and you will complete them at home or an alternative location.
- If a module requires you to take a face-to-face exam, this will be made clear in the module description, and you will be required to take your exam in person at one of our exam centres.