5 Educations Diplômes en Politique de santé en Pays-Bas for 2024

Educations Diplômes en Politique de santé en Pays-Bas for 2024Filter
  • MSc en politique de la santé, de l'Innovation et de gestion

    Maastricht University, Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences

    • Maastricht, Pays-Bas

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    Le maître de la politique des soins de santé, de l'Innovation et de gestion fournit aux étudiants des connaissances théoriques, ainsi que des connaissances et de la recherche des compétences pratiques pour analyser les innovations actuelles, les défis, les opportunités et les problèmes dans les systèmes de santé modernes.

  • Master in Health Economics, Policy & Law

    Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

    • Rotterdam, Pays-Bas

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    Get a comprehensive view by exploring the Master in Health Economics, Policy & Law approaches to the complexities of healthcare systems. Healthcare systems worldwide face complicated challenges. Policymakers want to retain or improve access to good-quality healthcare, but they also want to keep systems affordable for patients and taxpayers. Meanwhile, healthcare expenditure is increasing, demographics are changing, expectations are higher, and expensive new treatments are becoming available.

    • Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

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    An in-depth look at important issues and current debates in health policy, health economics, and health financing, taking into account the diverse profit and not for profit systems.

    • Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

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    3 semaines

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    This course looks at the key issues in the good governance of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) responses, including HIV, the complex political and financial terrain when developing policies and strategic plans? Maternal health, family planning, adolescent health, abortion and HIV, and the policies and strategies that address these, are among the most internationalized and to some extent politicized of all health issues.

    • Utrecht, Pays-Bas

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